Hi guys, it’s Tricia with Live Free Massage and today I want to talk to you about how to get
the most out of your foam roller. So there’s many benefits to foam rolling like increased
flexibility, circulation, and reducing soreness after a workout, but today I want to show you
how to effectively release those troubled spots and reduce those tight muscles. So let’s get
Tip number one: When you feel a specific spot that’s tender – stop, and let the roller sink in.
Don’t keep rolling quickly across it, because that could cause the muscle to guard and
contract, which we don’t want. Instead, be patient and hold it there.
Tip number two: If you’re having a hard time releasing a tender spot, you can make little
movements at the joint to help it release quicker.
Tip number three: When you’re working a muscle that feels extra tight, you wanna go slowly
through the muscle. The slower you go, the deeper the roller will sink.
For more videos like this, go to my website Livefreemassage.com, and I’ll see you next time.