Hi, Tricia here with Live Free Massage. Do you get neck pain or upper back pain and are you starting to get a hump in your upper back, like a lot of people do? Well, today I want to show you how to relieve the pain and improve your posture.
So, this slouched posture will cause the muscles in the front of your neck to get weak, which causes the back of your muscles to get overworked from trying to continually hold your head up against gravity. So, today I wanna show you an exercise that does several things. It’ ll get more extension in your upper back, it will align your neck over your body, and it will strengthen these muscles in the front of your neck to relieve that pain and tension back here. So, let’s get started.
So, get a foam roller and lay down on the floor, with the foam roller across your back. Then, do back extensions like I’m doing here. From your mid-back up through your upper back. Be sure not to compensate by arching your lower back. You want to keep your lower back straight and extend through the upper back. Now, with the foam roller at the base of your neck, put your hands behind your head, with your elbows close together. Now, lift your hips and put pressure on that area. Tuck your chin and allow your neck to fall downward toward the floor. Stay here for 30 seconds. Then, I want you to contract the muscles in the front of your neck and hold your head up for 5 seconds only using the muscles in the front of your neck. You’ll feel them contract. If you feel the muscles in the back of your neck, you are lifting too hard. Do this for 5 to 10 reps.
I recommend doing this exercise every day to get results. I also recommend doing this exercise, as well as other posture exercises, like stretching your chest out and strengthening your back muscles, which you can find on my blog at livefreemassage.com. I hope this helps and I’ll see you soon.