Review of Rad Roller
Hi, it’s Tricia from Live Free Massage, and today I want to talk to you about my favorite massage tool, the RAD Roller. It’s my favorite massage tool that I recommend to all my clients. It’s versatile, and it’s able to get deep into the areas that you need. Now, this one is blue and it’s a medium firmness. They have a green one that’s softer, and a black one that’s harder. But if you’re sensitive to foam rollers, I would recommend using the green one at first. So, let’s get started.
The first way I use my RAD Roller is for your spinal muscles. These are the muscles that run up and down your spine, all along your back. These muscles can get tight and cause pain and even your spine to misalign. And if you’re starting to get that hunchback posture, this is a good one for you.
You lie down on your back and put the space between the two balls over your spine. Each ball should rest on the side of the spine, directly over the muscles, like this picture shows. Then pull your shirt tight so it doesn’t get tangled when you start to roll. Move the roller slowly down your back. If you feel a tender spot, stop, relax, and breathe until it feels better. This may take a minute or two. Then continue to move down to the low-back area, where you stop.
The next area I want to show you is for your chest muscles. Now these muscles, if they get tight, they can pull your shoulders forward and down, and it can cause your back to overstretch and get painful, where a lot of people get some soreness. So what you want to do is you want to stretch these muscles to relieve the upper back area that you feel the pain in.
Find a corner wall and put the ball lengthwise against the wall and against your upper chest. Put an amount of pressure on the ball that you’re comfortable with. This area can be surprisingly tender. Then slowly move your arm out and above your head, and back down. Keep working this area from the sternum out to your shoulder. Again, if you find a tender spot, hold it until it feels better.
The last area I want to show you is the upper shoulders. I use the tool on this area quite a bit since I tend to hold much stress here.
Go against a corner wall, and you want to bend over like you’re in a football lineman position. Then put the ball lengthwise against the wall and the top of your shoulder. Work this whole area, stopping on tender spots. You can also slowly turn your head in different directions to release more effectively.
That’s it guys, I hope you get one of these tools and it helps you with your daily tension like it’s helped me. I’ll see you next time.